QWhat surfaces and substrates can Thermoshield® coatings be applied to?
AThey can be directly applied to wood, OSB, foam insulation, existing stucco, aluminum siding, dense glass, concrete (pre-cast, poured and block), masonry, glazed ceramic, brick, metals and many plastics. In addition they can be applied to a variety of substrates concurrently with no special preparation.
QWhat's the difference between Thermoshield® Decorative Exterior Finish and synthetic stucco or concrete finishes?
AThermoshield® is the only non-cementitous, acrylic, ceramic, waterproof, decorative exterior coating system that has been formulated for the harsh conditions found in the mountain west. Thermoshield® will adhere to all common building substrates and when completed, will give the luxurious appearance of concrete and stucco, without the inherent problems associated with synthetic and traditional stucco systems.
QCan I use Thermoshield® coatings to repair EIFS (Exterior Insulated Finish System) and other synthetic coating applications?
AYes. Thermoshield® is commonly used to save concrete, stucco and can be brushed, rolled and sprayed on, like regular paint.
QIs color a problem?
ANo. Thermoshield® can match or create virtually any color or shade desired.
QWhat type of maintenance is required?
AThermoshield® is made of 40% ceramic micro-spheres dispersed evenly throughout the membrane. These ceramics are extremely good at shedding dirt and self-cleaning with rain or even breeze and wind. You can look at a sample of any of our coatings under microscope and see that a great deal of the surface is ceramic micro-spheres. In the United Arab Emirates, there are many Thermoshield® flat roofs, and blowing sand and dust are always present in that part of the world. Looking at these roofs after 7 and 8 years, they are very white, almost like new. In fact, some consultants actually believed these roofs were less than one year old. The ceramic bubbles, which can be seen embedded throughout and under a microscope, are very good at avoiding dirt buildup.
QCan Thermoshield® Save on my Energy Bills?
AThermoshield® is a charter member of the Energy Star Program. It is Energy Star Rated. After 3-years of aging in a test done at the US Government premiere laboratories, ORNL, Thermoshield® Roof Coating was reducing heat flux through the roof by 66% -- the best of all the coatings tested.
The US Government sponsored a 3-year testing program to determine the benefits of reflective coatings in reducing heat flux into structures, and the effects of aging, dirt, air pollution, weathering, etc., on the effectiveness of the reflective coatings. The US Government's premiere lab Oak Ridge National Laboratory conducted these tests during a period expanding from 1997 to 2000. The 3-year term was chosen because, in extensive testing all over the USA, it was determined that roofing products lose initial reflectivity at first but at the end of 3 years reach a plateau where their reflectivity remains constant until eventual failure of the coating. The results showed that after loss of reflectivity by all the products tested, Thermoshield® heat reduction was an incredible 66% -- this was 30% better than the average of the other white coatings in the test.
QIs there any testing to support the above claim?
AYes. A preliminary report of field comparison of two identical houses, 25 miles south of St. Louis was just released and it showed substantial energy savings. The objective of the comparison was to determine the difference in ENERGY SAVINGS between a house painted with normal paint and a house painted with Thermoshield® Exterior Coat. Data for one year was collected. The results were a savings of 29% in electricity bills and 42% reduction in annual kilowatt/hour for the house painted with Thermoshield® Exterior Coat; quite an impressive performance!!
QWhat is Endothermic?
AEndothermic Reaction by definition is the description of a chemical reaction associated with the absorption of heat. Thermoshield® coatings have the ability to absorb large amounts of water. When they do, they swell up and become watertight. The ceramic micro-spheres used in our coatings have a great attraction to the water molecules and tend to hold on to them very tightly. When it cools at night, water is absorbed by the coating and when it heats up in the day, evaporation occurs, which is a cooling process. Because the ceramics are reluctant to release the water, much more energy is used in the evaporation process. The polymers release water slowly creating a constant flow of water vapor, that is, water gets hot until it becomes vapor and floats away taking with it heat. This is a great cooling effect in the coatings, in addition to the very high reflection and emittance of the products.
QWhat is Variable Permeability?
AThis feature, unique to Thermoshield®, allows the membrane to perform unlike any other coating. When conditions are dry, the polymers shrink and open pores to allow trapped water vapor to breathe out of the substrate, but when conditions are wet (raining, ponding of water, etc.), the polymers swell, close the pores, and the entire membrane becomes watertight.
QCan Thermoshield adapt to any climate, including Canada's?
AYes, Thermoshield is designed for Canada's climate for both summer and winter. For more information consult the technical guide (Thermoshield Technology, Thermoshield Great Science)
Q How can you estimate how much paint you'll need?
A See the data sheet (Instruction manual for each application)
Q Can I paint over old paint?
AYes, as long as it is in good condition and has good adherence. Sanding may be required.
QHow do you apply Thermoshield ?
AThermoshield can be applied with a sprayer and/or a roller.
QIs Thermoshield under guarantee?
AYes, 10 years for extérior and 5 to 15 years for roofcoat (consult application manual).
QIs Thermoshield a good choice to prevent mold in bathrooms ?
AYes, Thermoshield is micro-ceramic based. It evacuates humidity outwards.
QCan we apply it to a brick wall ?
AYes, Thermoshield breathes thanks to its micro-ceramic process, which is ideal for brick.
QWhich product should I use in an attic and what are the benefits?
AThermoshield can be applied directly to the inner roof, which lets it eliminate mold and evacuate humidity from the attic. It lets mineral wool keep its effectiveness.
QIs a base coat always necessary ?
AIt is preferable to apply one.